I am a tenure-track assistant professor at the School of Computer and Cyber Science, Augusta University, and director of the High Performance & Secure Data Computing Laboratory. I attained my Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Dongfang Zhao. Prior to relocating to the United States, I earned my double-degree M.Sc. in Computer Science jointly from the RWTH Aachen University and the University of Trento under the European Master in Informatics (EUMI) double-degree program sponsored by Erasmus Mundus scholarship.
The High-Performance and Secure Data Computing (HPSDC) lab publishes research findings at top-tier venues such as SC, ICDE, IPDPS, DSN, and NDSS.
Contact: hpctalk@gmail.com
High-performance Blockchain
Resource-efficient HPC
Extreme-scale Data Management
In Spring 2024, I am teaching CSCI-3371/5371: Low-level Programming Language.
In the past, I have been the instructor of the following courses: